Steam Iron Vs. Dry Iron- Which is Better and Why?

By Consumer Advise Team
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With the advent of steam burst technology, the best steam irons in India are popular among users but consumes about 1800 watts of power. For the property of getting heated up quickly, the steam iron serves versatile purposes and is perfect for the removal of stubborn wrinkles even from heavy fabrics. So, be ready to get a crisper and wrinkle-free look for your clothes with the advanced models.

Likewise, there is an enormous range of high-quality dry irons that come with a thermal fuse and behave in the form of an electrical safety device for the prevention of the flow of electricity against overheating. So, these irons hold the ability to stop damage due to overheating. Now the question is-

Dry iron or steam iron, which is better?

While you’re buying a clothing iron, you need to pay attention to whether it is dry or steam iron. The type will be dependent on the application.

Choose between steam and dry iron by listing a few notable factors. Besides, one must look into the differences that will give the idea for the right piece.

In this article, you will get a vivid idea about Steam iron Vs dry iron.

dry iron vs steam iron comparison

Comparison of Dry Iron vs. Steam Iron

Features Dry iron Steam iron
DesignAs it does not produce steam, a dry iron does not need a water tank.A water tank is necessary to produce steam from a steam iron.
Soleplate The flat soleplate of a dry iron heats up. Steam holes are unavailable here. Steam irons mostly use ceramic or American heritage soleplates. On the palate, there are hundreds of steam holes.
Steam functionsAs dry irons do not produce steam, no function related to steaming is available.Steam irons have several such functions including the spraying mist features.
Weight and SizeDry irons are lightweight and comparatively smaller in size.Steam irons are heavier than dry irons with a bigger size.
Number of Features They are available with a very limited number of features for their simple operation.Steam irons have more functions and features than dry irons.
Versatility Dry irons are not versatile as they cannot produce steam.Steam irons can be used as dry irons.
Cord ManagementDry irons come with a chord length of 1 meter or more. It is better to choose a longer cord length for better usability.Steam irons also come with a similar cord length. Choosing a longer cord length is essential for them as the operation involves heated steam.
MaintenanceDry irons are almost maintenance-free.Steam irons need periodic maintenance to function properly.
SafetyAs dry iron is a heat-generating device, you must operate it safely.Steam generated from a steam iron is superheated, which you should use safely.
Fabric CompatibilityYou can use a dry iron on any fabric using the correct temperature setting.Steam irons cannot be used on all types of fabrics.
Ironing QualityThe ironing quality of a dry iron is average.Excellent ironing quality of a steam iron.

Both dry iron and steam iron are popular for their features, so it is important to pay attention to their specifications.

What is a dry iron?

Dry iron refers to the iron box with a thermostat that has a wattage of 1500 Watts.  On the contrary, steam Iron refers to the pressing iron with a compartment for the conversion of water to steam. It features the generation of steam that makes ironing faster. As a result, wrinkles get removed quickly enough in the fastest times.

advantages of dry iron over steam iron

The working principle of the dry iron is that the water is streamed into the chamber that sets the iron to the setting of dry heat.

Advantages of dry irons

  • Simple design and operation makes a dry iron easy to use.
  • Dry irons are available at a cheap price.
  • They are lightweight and very easy to carry.
  • Dry irons are suitable for any fabric unless mentioned by the manufacturer.
  • It is built with the auto shutdown feature.
  • You can control the output temperature simply by rotating the knob.
  • Dry irons do not need heavy cleaning or maintenance.
  • They are beginner-friendly.
  • Dry irons last for many years if used correctly.

limitations of dry irons

  • The features are very limited.
  • The ironing quality of dry irons is average.
  • Dry irons do not have spray mist feature as they do not produce steam.
  • 360-movement feature is unavailable in most dry irons.
  • You cannot use a dry irons as a steam iron as there is no such technology.
  • Dry irons need longer time to iron clothes as th heat produced is not enough for heavy loads.

What is a steam iron?

Steam iron works with the principle of using heat energy for pressing the dresses. The conversion of electrical energy to heat energy helps in the purpose of ironing. Thus, the electric current passage is followed through the coil that ultimately gets transferred to the iron’s bottom.

advantages of steam iron over dry iron

Advantages of steam irons

  • Steam irons are very efficient in ironing.
  • They have many features to adjust requirements.
  • High ironing quality is distinct advantage of steam irons.
  • They are built with features like- vertical steam, 360-degree cord movement and spray mist.
  • You can use a steam iron as dry iron without pouring water. Learn more about how to do it.
  • The ironing speed of steam iron is very fast. Thus it is suitable for bulk ironing.

limitations of steam irons

  • Steam irons need proper maintenance at least once in a month for uninterrapted operation.
  • They are heavier in weight.
  • Not all fabric is suitable for steam ironing.
  • Steam irons are not beginner-friendly as they have a complex operation.
Steam Iron vs Dry Iron

Steam Iron Vs. Dry Iron – differences & similarities

There are numerous features to separate the two.

1. Cord Design

Steam iron:

  • It is not necessary to place the ironing board always near the electrical socket. For this, pay heed to the length and design of the cord.
  • Movement by 360 is the utmost necessity while choosing the right model.  This feature offers the flexibility of using the steam iron in the position of choice that makes it more comfortable for the user.
  • Another striking feature of these steam iron models is the availability of retractable cords.

Dry iron:

  • It’s essential to remember that not all models of steam iron have the same length of cord. Select the iron that has sufficient length in getting access to the power supply socket. So, go through the product specification in terms of the cord length.
a dry iron

2. Weight and Size

Steam iron:

  • The steam iron often finds use almost daily. Sometimes, there’s a requirement to press a larger number of garments. Moreover, the efficiency of the steam iron determines how many clothes can be pressed by it in the needed time. It also calls for the use of iron for an extended period. For this, small-sized steam iron that is lighter in weight serves the best.

Dry iron:

  • Generally, dry irons are lighter than steam irons. The heavyweight iron boxes were popular in the ancient days. With the technological boost, there are different brands for lightweight models that offer perfect ironing. The use of iron must be paid attention to before selecting the right model.

3. Auto Shutdown

Steam iron:

  • The safety feature ensures that the steaming quality of the steam iron is stationary for a prolonged time.
  • What makes it special is that it has the ability to shut down by itself without needing any manual efforts.
  • Some high-end models do possess the ability to shutdown features while standing on a base while some others tend to shut down automatically while they are resting on the soleplate.
  • In case you leave the steam iron in a steady position, over a more extended period, it will automatically shut down while standing still in all three positions. Thus, you can rest assured that they won’t be any kind of energy wastage and the chances of an accident.

Dry iron:

  • Temperature settings that are available with these models work with all kinds of fabric.
  • Thus, this model gets heated to the required temperature that is suitable for different materials. This feature ensures that the clothes don’t burn.
  • Go in search of the auto shut-off feature that automatically gets switched off on reaching the required temperature.

4. Soleplate

Steam iron:

  • The material of the soleplate is a determining factor for the appropriate choice of a steam iron.
  • Non-stick soleplate ensures smooth working on delicate to rough fabrics.
  • Stainless steel or ceramic compositions ensure that heat distribution over soleplate will be even.
  • The variable steam setting ensures the amount of steam distribution is adequate and allows the user to press the materials flawlessly.
  • The steam iron has holes for the steam release that allows the distribution of steam over the larger area. So, with such iron, you will never have to face the hassles of frequent re-ironing.

Dry iron:

  • Soleplate directly affects the quality of pressing. Since the soleplate stays in direct contact with the clothes, it is important to ensure that it gets heated adequately.
  • Models that are made from Aluminium, Ceramic, and Non-stick offer great functionality. It is essential to hunt for the irons that use Ceramic plates and are non-stick. Try to avoid buying those that employ aluminium soleplate that turns out to become less effective and tends to stick to the surfaces of the clothes usually.
  • The Soleplate of the dry iron is solid and easy to clean but doesn’t possess holes.

5. Availability of operating features

Steam iron:

  • Steam iron gives the user the ease to operate the multiple setting options. Steam trigger-based steam irons have an LED display.

Dry iron:

  • Dry iron is basic when compared to steam iron. It’s mandatory to have a look at the temperature settings of the dry iron.

Since steam irons are quite popular, there are some other important features:

6. Generation of Vertical Steam

Different models of steam iron hold different abilities of steam generation. With them, it is easy to iron garments and even curtains. Moreover, these systems end the hassle of looking for additional spaces to place the garment and ironing it. 

Vertical steaming irons that usually possess the anti-drip design alongside the stainless steel soleplate are quite flexible in generating enough heat for ironing the surfaces. You’ll get the flexibility to iron those clothes while they are hanging vertically.

Thus, it is crucial to opt for the model that holds the ability to generate vertical steam.

7. Wattage

For better heat generation, it is important to note that the model holds a higher wattage. In turn, this will ensure that the amount of steam generated is high enough for pressing the clothes in any position. When the temperature of the soleplate increases steadily, it ensures the pressing of the clothes adequately. Pay attention to the wattage rating and the ability to get heated up at a faster pace that will give you a good time while ironing even the heaviest fabrics.

a steam iron

8. The capacity of the water tank

The water tank is a major difference between the dry iron and the steam iron. The water tank helps with the proper steam generation. Even using the ironing board gives the user the ability to iron clothes easily. Besides, you can also look for handheld garment steamers that give one the ability to iron in a short time.

The larger water holding capacity of the tank ensures that there aren’t hassles of noting when the water level is going down or filling the tanks. Besides, it also lets the user rest assured that the steam generation continues for a longer span.

While choosing high-end irons, pay attention that the water tank is of a higher capacity to press the clothes without worrying. Guess what’s more attractive! You’ll never have to fear running out of steam while running your laundry business.

9. Heat time

a steam iron that heats up to the right temperature is the most favorable one to the user. The right piece will surely get heated up just in 2 to 3 minutes. So, there’s no more waiting for a longer period for the appropriate steaming with such a model. These models will give you the needed steam burst.

10. Amount of Steam

The steam iron must have the ability to produce the “maximum amount of steam.” This feature must be noted to ensure that the heavier garments get pressed quite easily. A model that delivers an adequate steam output of 30 g/min is a suitable piece that will hold a high capacity for pressing the clothes. The unique holes design in some models gives significant outputs in pressing the thick fabric.

11. Anti-drip Design

Consistent dripping water is frustrating. Isn’t it?

No one will probably like the idea of spoiling the clothes from the water. So, the best idea is to get the model that employs the anti-drip feature to ensure that even a full tank will not allow the spoilage of the garments from the spilled water. Water droplets won’t be leaking in these models from any corner. For this feature and you can use this model for a long period.

12. Anti-limescale Design

Using the iron consistently often leads to the deposition of limescale deposits due to the presence of calcium carbonate. An extensive deposit puts a hindrance on the amount of steam generated. For this reason, it is essential to clean the iron timely.

But, an iron that has the inbuilt anti-limescale feature will be long-lasting. Thus, the amount of steam will never be degraded when there is an automatic cleaning ability. Learn more about the cleaning process of steam iron to make it last longer.

13. Variable jets of Steam

Steam irons control the amount of steam produced.  In case you’re looking for a model to press the delicate fabric garments, you cannot buy the one that gives out only harsh jets of steam. Instead, you’ve to hunt for the model that will give out variable jets. Such a model will ensure that the garment is never spoilt.

The medium level of steam jets is perfect for heavier garments. Customized steam generation is essential for the introduction of steam variations. The product specification ensures that the single refill lasts for a longer span. So, there are no more hassles of refilling it again and again. Get the proper efficiency with the right amount of steam.

14. Spraying mist

Steam irons offer the option of spraying mist to moisten the surface of the cloth adequately. Thus, the removal of the wrinkles for heavier fabric is easy with such a model. On the contrary, for dry iron, you have to use pressure to remove the wrinkles.

An exclusive feature of a dry iron is as follows:

15. Heat Settings

There must be three temperature settings-low, medium, and high. Technological advancements in these irons offer the right temperatures for cotton, woolen, etc. Usually, the model holds the cotton settings that help to avoid the burning of clothes.

Thus, we can see that numerous parameters fall under dry iron box vs. steam iron box comparison.

Steam iron can be used in the form of a dry iron. The tank must be kept empty that will also allow it to be used as a regular iron. Surprisingly, a dry iron can’t function as a steam iron.

Two high-end Irons

The Philips GC1905 1440-Watt Steam Iron is popular for its impressive features as well as the decent performance with the powerful steaming technology that discharges continuous steam up to 17g/min steam. It with aluminium easy glide plus soleplate and utilizes 1440 watts with high-end technology.

The Usha EI 1602 1000-Watt Lightweight Dry Iron comes with an advanced power rating of 1200-watts. The lightweight model comes with a modern and ergonomic design. Besides, it is a nonstick-coated tool that delivers uniform heating. A thermal fuse will offer safety against overheating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use steam iron as dry iron?

Often people keep wondering, “can we use steam iron as dry iron?” The fact is that it is easy to use the steam iron as a dry version. But, using the steam version as a dry iron needs to customize the dry heat setting perfectly before using it. It will then press fabrics in a manner that the steam heat changes fabric threads and their shapes quite faster than dry heat.

Which is better steam iron or dry iron?

From the above article, you’ve come to know what is the difference between dry iron and steam iron. So, the inference is that Dry iron is old technology. To get better results, it is usually advised to get the steam that removes the creases faster. So, it’s better to choose a steam iron than a dry iron if you’re a professional. Steam loosens individual fibers, and the action gives the ability to smooth out wrinkles.

Is steamer better than iron?

By now, you have come to know what is dry iron and steam iron. Steamers are faster. Handheld steamers are very convenient due to their lightweight dress and require less space. Steamer versions are somewhat disadvantageous in terms of their inability to press into fabrics smoothly. In case you want your shirt to look crisp, opt for the model that will fulfill the objective.

Steam Iron Vs. Dry Iron: which is better?

The above-stated article notes the dry iron and steam iron differences. Traditional dry irons usually hold a customized steam iron option. Since ironing jobs require a generous steam supply, you must look for a useful steam iron. With just the push of a button, you’ll get a burst of steam. Sole-plate with numerous holes means better pressing of the suits or curtains.

There’s no so-called best product in this world. The specifications of the varied models offer different advantages to the users.  In general, the steam irons are a winner. The dual functionality of both the iron in a single model, along with the extra features, functionality, and convenience, ensures that you get steadiness in pressing. Both the irons can be used on an ironing board easily for a better experience.

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